

Family Medicine, also known as General Practice, is the point of first contact of care for most of the members of the community. General Practitioners treat minor ailments, promote health, prevent illnesses, monitor chronic diseases, provide clinical care at home and refer to specialists where required. General Practice employs a holistic approach by looking after the whole person including the physical, emotional, social, spiritual, cultural and economic aspects through patient-centered approach. The main functions of the department are:

1. To develop key skill and competencies in clinical care, triage, communication, team work, clinical governance and management skills in the trainees of Family Medicine

2. To provide a conducive and enriched educational experience and learning atmosphere

3. To deliver high quality clinical care to staff and students of the university

4. To become a hub of primary care research

5. To provide and facilitate continuing professional development of Family Physicians

Establishment of Department of Family Medicine

Family Medicine was introduced at University of Health Sciences Lahore in 2007 by the then Vice Chancellor Prof. Malik Hussain Mubashar (Late) with the assistance of Pakistan Society of Family Physicians, Pakistan Academy of Family Physicians, faculty of Family Medicine of FMH College of Medicine & Dentistry and Higher Education Commission (HEC) consultant Prof. John Sydney Biggs from Australia. Initial directions for establishing a formal department and development of academic programs in Family Medicine were laid down.

In 2011 Family Medicine Steering Committee was established under the chairmanship of Prof. J.S. Biggs and all stake holders were included in the committee. The FM Steering Committee developed 4-year MD in Family Medicine and 2-year Masters in Family Medicine training programs which were approved by statutory bodies of UHS in 2013. On the recommendations of Steering Committee a formal Family Medicine department was established and a post for Assistant Professor in Family Medicine was created.

In 2014, Dr. Usman Jawad was appointed as Assistant Professor of Family Medicine and he served for four years. He also introduced 1-year Certificate in General Practice (currently Diploma in Family Medicine) and established a well equipped Family Medicine Clinic on premises of UHS. UHS medical center is equipped with wheel chair, spinal board, patient waiting area and a consulting room with necessary equipment such as defibrillator, oxygen, ECG, Nebulizer, ophthalmoscope, otoscope and all the essential medicines. The medical center provides emergency and routine consultations to the employees and students of the university. It also provides a training platform for the post graduate trainees of Family Medicine.

Prof. Nasir Shah and Dr. Hina Jawaid joined Family Medicine Department in 2017 and introduced Family Medicine Master Trainer course. The department of Family Medicine UHS intends to launch the following training programs after approval from regulatory bodies of Pakistan

1. MD in Family Medicine 4-years

2. Master in Family Medicine 2-years

3. Diploma in Family Medicine 1-year

4. FM Master Trainer program 1-year

5. Case Based Discussion (Online-Fortnightly)